Tort law Denise Agyepong-Mensah Tort law Denise Agyepong-Mensah

Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire [1992]

Alcock v Chief Constable of Yorkshire [1992] was a test case which arose out of the Hillsborough disaster which occurred at Hillsborough Football Stadium on April 15th, 1989. It concerned claims brought by friends and relatives of people who were injured or killed at the stadium during the incident.

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Tort law Denise Agyepong-Mensah Tort law Denise Agyepong-Mensah

Getting damages for pure psychiatric harm for secondary victims.

Let’s imagine you receive an email from a potential client who says he saw two of his sons and his brother get physically injured in a car accident. He wasn’t in the car himself. He watched the accident from his living room window because it occurred when his family members were pulling into the driveway to his house.

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Tort law Denise Agyepong-Mensah Tort law Denise Agyepong-Mensah

Dulieu v White & Sons [1901]

The defendant’s servant unintentionally drove a pair horse van into the pub that the plaintiff who was pregnant at the time was working in. She suffered nervous shock and subsequently gave birth to a premature and disabled baby.

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Contract law Denise Agyepong-Mensah Contract law Denise Agyepong-Mensah

What is a contract?

A contract is a legally binding agreement between parties. This legally binding agreement can be written or unwritten. We make agreements every day, but not all agreements are legally binding.

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